Online Review Game Plan ...that actually works

Online Reviews... the single most important thing happening on the internet for dental offices.

Did you know that it is illegal to pay or incentivize someone to write a positive review for your company? 

 Under 15 U.S. Code § 45, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has the power to stop and penalize parties “using unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.” This makes it a crime to break official rules imposed by the FTC. And the FTC forbids the use of fake testimonial READ MORE

"Asking" for reviews has long been the advise given on how to acquire more reviews... but despite what every consultant will tell you it can feel a little uncomfortable and often gets "forgotten" about. Ask me how I know? I have been awkwardly on the review asking end for 10 years. 

We can work on strategies to increase your online reviews that will motivate your team and not break the law.

Below are screen shots of one office I work with. We ran a 30 day online review campaign with our team members. Our goal was to achieve 10 new reviews.

Our next review campaign we will raise our goal to 15.

This is an easy "to do" item that can start quickly- results are easy to measure and involve little to no involvement from the dentist once our game plan is finalized.

Contact me to schedule a Virtual Assistant Consult today!
