Free CE courses for dental hygienists during COVID 19 shut down

This seems to be a great time to collect some of your needed CE's.

Since most people are feeling some financial stress at the moment I will continuously add to this list of FREE online CE options.

Also- kudos to those dentists taking advantage of this time to offer training to their team members.

19 FREE CE's.     April 24 & 26th

I just completed the hour long 1CE online class, it is packed with information that pertains to COVID 19. There is an easy 10 question quiz at the end and you receive your CE certificate immediately. 

1 CE Guided Biofilm Technology
I've been wanting to look into this for awhile now and this is a great class!!
1 hour webinar taught by Melissa Obrotka BBA, RDH,ICP
short, somewhat confusing quiz at the end- CE certificate immediately available to print
