What you don't know CAN hurt

Social media marketing can be a double edged sword.
On one side it can be an easy way to find new patients, on the other side it is an easy way for disgruntled patients to spread the word of their bad experience.
If you make a person happy they will tell their friends, if you make a person mad they will tell everyone.

Staying on top of what is being said about you and your business on the Internet can be a full time job.

Google Alertsallow you to monitor what is being said about you or your office on the Internet.
By entering your offices information you can receive daily, weekly or monthly emails about information that is being posted about you.
(Another idea is to sign up to receive updates on your competitors so you are aware of what they are doing and or saying.)

Since there isn't a way to remove all negative feedback from the Internet you can at least fight back.

YELP: You can comment on reviews- something to the effect of we are sorry that you had a bad experience this is not typical in our office- we are attempting to contact "Mr. Smith" to make this situation right.

FACEBOOK: You can remove negative posts from your facebook page by clicking on the posters name

MyBodyNetwork: This is an Internet platform that allows your patients to post "success stories".
It also serves as a referral network for your patients to specialists that you know and trust. And includes the ability to post relevant information in the news section and video clips. This site can link to your website or can be used as a stand alone site if you don't have a website, it will help increase your Internet exposure and eliminate the concern of negative feedback
