If you grab my button- I'll grab yours


A blog button allows us to cross promote our blogs to visitors who may be interested in each others content.
If you have a button already- I will grab yours if you grab mine. Just email me your blog address and I will post your button on my site.
You can grab the code by copying and pasting here:
<center><a href="http://www.hygienehelp.blogspot.com/"><img border="0" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEio0QQ55ub-cvZae12oH91sghNGd_b1HqEqqIYrQ_-TVL3eR_iTN49XoJLbNDABOT73W3O7QdnAP0YH_0ZbVx-cPdXfKJ0GQJxIQM-PLCA4zF3de81TXX-GljtYUzUM37wirYFJmUPsTroD/s100/fb+copy.jpg"/></a></center>

Or you can grab it off of my blog by following the link below and scrolling down a little on the right hand side.

Go to Help For Dental Hygienists
If you don't already have a button- add one to your page by following the information on the link below- then we can exchange:  http://www.bloggymoms.com/profiles/blogs/how-to-create-a-grab-my-button

These are what the buttons look link when you put them on your site
